Pictures of & Links to My Family
My brother, Jim, is a software engineer for Intel. Maybe one of these days I'll actually understand what it is he does, but I'm not counting on it. I'm just a weenie li'l peon ex-helpdesk tech. He finally has a link to my page, so I feel loved now.
My nephew has an interesting page with some pretty cool stuff on it.
My Mom's webpage (that my brother maintains for her) is full of doggy stuff, 'cause over the years she's had several and used to breed Belgian Sheepdogs. No, they are not the walking mop-dogs. Check it out!
I like to post (i.e., show off) pictures of my little girl. I'm fixed for toys — scanner, digital camera, color inkjet I have fun. I don't even have to remember to take the film to be developed!
If you're confined to a modem's download capabilities, just be patient. I've tried to make sure the file sizes make the pictures load as quickly as possible, but still leave enough that you can actually see what's in the photo.
On the left, you can see that I was once young and cute, when I was in high school. Then there's my husband and me several years ago (pre-kid). The next one is me at a friend's wedding, as Matron of Honor. After that is the spousal unit at the same friend's wedding. He's aged significantly better than I. ::sigh:: Last is a recent one of me.
This is my kid, and the pictures are in chronological order. My kid is great. I love my kid. Bet she's cuter than yours!
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